Home Remedies for Oily Skin Using Cucumber
Many (more than we’d like to admit) struggle with very oily skin. The oil seems to just manufacture itself out of nowhere, and then ends up clogging our already struggling pores. The truth is, it is important for oil to be produced and this process is done through oil (sebaceous) glands in our skin, and this is used to keep your skin moisturized. Some people are more “well moisturized” than others, so for those of you who are, keep on reading!How do you know if you have oily skin
Did you know? Having oily skin can be an annoyance at times, but in the long run you will reap the benefits because the oil has helped keep your skin moisturized throughout the years—and naturally, too! The only downside is, the oil clogs skin’s pores, causing blockages which in turn causes a buildup of bacteria and what we know as a zit (or pimple).
Read more about what ingredients work really well and how to use them to work for you.
Cucumbers are known to be very rich in Vitamins E & A especially and have been used for under eye puffiness relief as they vitamins and minerals (potassium and magnesium included) help sooth your skin. This is because both skin and cucumber share the same levels of hydrogen which leaves your skin supple and smooth. Another very great characteristic of cucumbers is their ability to improve your complexion by helping fade dark scars. I’ll take those “side effects” any day!
What you need:
Cucumber – 1 to 2 depending on size
What you do:
Take the cucumber, peel the skin off with a peeler carefully, and slice the cucumber thinly. If you are happy with relaxing and laying down with slices on your face, then keep the slices thin. If you opt for a more interactive experience, slice the cucumber thickly. This is to ensure a good grip when you use the slice to rub it slowly rub it over your face. Once you are done, rinse off with warm water. Use a toner (to close your pores so they don’t clog up) and then moisturize as usual.
You can use this home remedy for oily skin up to twice a week depending on how much shine/oil control is needed.
Remember, drinking lots of water
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