Tip of the Day! Teabags for Dark Under Eye Circles

Teabags for Dark Under Eye Circles

Dark under eye circles and puffiness are a common problem these days.  The causes may be age and hereditary.  However, lifestyle factors can have a huge affect on the circles and puffiness under our eyes.  Constantly cheating yourself of sleep, not working out, and eating unhealthy salty snacks are some of the many causes of puffiness and under eye circles.

Remember to drink lots of water: about 8-10 glasses a day.  Keeping your body hydrated is one of the easiest ways to avoid water retention and puffiness.

You can use any type of tea bag (black, green etc.) but chamomile are best for puffiness.  You can buy them here.


2 tea bags (one for each eye)


Apply one tea bag to each eye.  Make sure you're lying down or the tea bags will fall off.  You may as well turn on some music and relax for ten minutes.  After ten minutes, take off your tea bags and wipe off your eyes.

Make sure the tea bags aren't too wet, otherwise the tea will get into your eyes!

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