By shinta Friday, March 30, 2012 beauty nutrition cucumber dark circles eyes home remedies for skin puffiness skin care skin treatment under eye circles Simple & Quick Remedy for Under Eye Puffiness Simple & Quick Remedy for Under Eye Puffiness T aking care of the appearance of your eyes is essential in looking fresh and awake. Und...
By shinta Thursday, March 29, 2012 avocado beauty nutrition coconut oil face mask home remedies for skin homemade facial honey moisturizing skin care skin treatment Coconut Oil & Avocado Face Mask Virgin Coconut Oil at 76 degrees and below is solid and white in color Coconut Oil & Avocado Face Mask C oconut oil is an oil with many...
By shinta 9:27 AM beauty nutrition beer treatment healing bath home remedies for acne home remedies for skin skin care skin treatment Healing Beer Bath Healing Beer Bath B eer is not just for drinking! This tasty liquid is also great for your skin and hair . The miracle ingredient in beer...
By shinta Wednesday, March 28, 2012 beauty nutrition home remedies skin care skin treatment Whimsical Wednesday Whimsical Wednesday - Fruity Shoes! H ow whimsical and creative are these Banana/fruit shoes by Charlotte Olympia ?! What do you think? Would you rock them? --
By shinta 9:06 AM beauty nutrition dry skin face mask heavy cream home remedies for skin homemade facial lemons skin care skin treatment strawberries Strawberries & Cream Face Mask Strawberries & Cream Face Mask N ot only are strawberries delicious, they are really good for your skin! These bright red, berries are...
By shinta Tuesday, March 27, 2012 avocado face mask home remedies for skin homemade face mask homemade facial moisturizing face mask pore refining face mask Moisturizing Avocado Face Mask for Dry Skin Moisturizing Avocado Face Mask for Dry Skin A vocados have benefits and are a great food and source of Vitamins C, E, and D. These propert...
By shinta 11:45 AM beauty nutrition cucumber face mask freshen home remedies shine skin care skin treatment tip of the day wrinkles Tip of the Day! Cucumber for Wrinkles Cucumber for Wrinkles C ucumber is a fresh and naturally cleansing astringent, especially on hot days and in the summer. You can use cucum...
By shinta Monday, March 26, 2012 beauty nutrition home remedies manuka honey skin care skin treatment tip of the day Tip of the Day! Use Manuka Honey in Your Skincare Routine Manuka Honey in Your Skincare Routine I f you have been doing research on homemade skin care then you may already be familiar with manuka h...
By shinta Sunday, March 25, 2012 beauty nutrition blemishes face mask home remedies home remedies for acne homemade facial rolled oats skin care skin treatment tomato yogurt Face Mask for Blemished Skin Face Mask for Blemished Skin T here are many products out there that claim to cure and treat blemish skin--and some do--while others fail t...
By shinta 10:32 AM beauty nutrition home remedies lemons pore tightening skin care skin treatment tip of the day toner Tip of the Day! Lemon Juice as a Toner Lemon Juice as a Toner L emon juice is a great, inexpensive alternative to expensive facial toners. Use this lemon juice toner before you ...
By shinta Saturday, March 24, 2012 beauty nutrition blemishes face mask face tightening mask fruit mask home remedies homemade facial peach pore tightening skin care skin treatment Peach Face Tightening Mask Peach Face Tightening Mask I feel peaches generally get ignored as an "everyday" fruit--unlike bananas, apples, and oranges--whi...
By shinta Friday, March 23, 2012 beauty nutrition grapeseed oil home remedies makeup remover skin care skin treatment tip of the day Tip of the Day! Makeup Remover All Natural Makeup Remover R ecently, I ran out of my makeup remover. I would probably not be considered a survivalist by any means because...
By shinta Thursday, March 22, 2012 beauty nutrition body scrub coffee grounds exfoliate face mask hand scrub home remedies skin care skin treatment tip of the day Tip of the Day! Coffee Grounds in Scrubs Coffee Grounds in Scrubs Let me start off by saying, coffee is great (in oh so many ways): Add coffee grounds (ground up coffee beans) to y...
By shinta Wednesday, March 21, 2012 bananas beauty nutrition dry skin face mask home remedies for skin homemade facial honey moisturizing skin care skin treatment Moisturizing Banana & Honey Face Mask For Dry Skin Moisturizing Banana & Honey Face Mask B ananas have been used for centuries in a variety of ways because of their many benefits. Of co...
By shinta Tuesday, March 20, 2012 beauty nutrition dark circles eyes home remedies puffiness skin care skin treatment teabags tip of the day under eye circles Tip of the Day! Teabags for Dark Under Eye Circles Teabags for Dark Under Eye Circles D ark under eye circles and puffiness are a common problem these days. The causes may be age and heredit...
By shinta Monday, March 19, 2012 beauty nutrition home remedies life skin care skin treatment Funny Photoshop Parody H ere's some humor to brighten up your day :) I saw this funny Photoshop parody video on a friend's facebook site and couldn't h...
By shinta Sunday, March 18, 2012 beauty nutrition cut/wound home remedies skin care skin treatment turmeric How to Treat a Cut / Wound with Turmeric Powder How to Treat a Cut / Wound with Turmeric Powder W e've all been there. That moment we cut our finger on some sharp object or another i...
By shinta 7:00 AM beauty nutrition exfoliate face mask home remedies for acne home remedies for skin homemade facial rolled oats skin care skin treatment Quick Oatmeal Face Mask for Acne Quick Oatmeal Face Mask for Acne S pring is here, and it is time to start clearing up your the skin you've been hiding under all that m...
By shinta Saturday, March 17, 2012 beauty nutrition beer treatment hair treatment home remedies st. patrick's day Beer Hair Treatment Beer Hair Treatment W hat better way to celebrate your hair on this day than with beer? Yes, I said beer! Beer lovers rejoice! Beer has m...
By shinta Friday, March 16, 2012 bananas beauty nutrition face mask home remedies for acne home remedies for skin homemade facial honey milk rolled oats skin skin care skin treatment Rolled Oats & Bananas Face Mask Rolled Oats & Bananas Face Mask H ere's a quick and easy way to freshen up for the weekend! Kick ...
By shinta Thursday, March 15, 2012 apple cider vinegar beauty nutrition conditioner dandruff relief hair conditioner hair treatment home remedies for skin Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse Treatment for Naturally Shiny Hair Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse Treatment for Naturally Shiny Hair W inter and in-door heaters and air conditioners can leave your hair dry and wr...
By shinta 4:35 PM beauty nutrition frenemies friendship home remedies life skin care skin treatment Bad Friends Are Bad For Your Health! (Toxic Friends) DEFINITION : ONE WHO PRETENDS TO BE A FRIEND BUT IS ACTUALLY AN ENEMY Webster's dictionary:
By shinta 9:00 AM beauty nutrition home remedies skin care skin treatment turmeric Turmeric's Healing Powers Turmeric's Healing Powers T urmeric is a spice that has been around for centuries. It is commonly used in Eastern cooking, especially o...
By shinta Wednesday, March 14, 2012 beauty nutrition home remedies Pi day skin care skin treatment Happy "Pi" Day! 3.14 HAPPY PI DAY!!! 3.14150265...
By shinta 7:05 PM beauty nutrition bruises coconut oil home remedies skin care skin treatment tip of the day Tip of the Day! Coconut Oil for Bruises Coconut Oil for Bruises If you're an easy bruiser like I am, then you will be ECSTATIC about this! Coconut oil is great for helping red...